Thursday, December 4, 2008

The One Where Victoria Finds You the Perfect Present

Your troubles are over. You are going to be so glad I am the queen of infomercials, because I have done it. I have found the perfect gift for every single human (and some of the larger dogs) on your shopping list. It is called the Snuggie. It is a blanket...WITH SLEEVES! I am not going to lie...I have watched this video over and over and over. Every time I roll on the floor laughing. It is the best gift ever. No, really. Watch it. Witness the frustration that ensues when the lady in the regular blanket tries to reach for the cordless phone. It is classic. And don't cheat and stop watching before the end. If you do, you will miss the Jedi family. Yes, near the end of the video, there is a part where the whole family is roasting their Snuggies... and they totally look like Jedi warriors! Oh, and I can totally see DK/KH and me doing that high five at the ballgame in our matching Snuggies. Now, I know there are those of you who will not see the intrinsic value here...for instance, Lisa, my "smart" friend (I have to call her that because she is 38 years old, and she reads at a 40-year-old level) points out that it is simply a bathrobe, worn backwards. Ahhh, Lisa, where is your Christmas spirit? 'Tis the season for gifts that come two for $19.95 and come with a free gift. The only question now, is what colors to buy...


Jamie said...

Brandon asked for one for Christmas last week.

RSM Text Factor Gurus said...

you can probably find him a brown/black (ala Jedi and Jawa) robe for much cheaper.

Josh said...

I don't know what the big deal is with Lisa being so smart. I'm smart too. When I was in eighth grade, I read at a nine-year old reading level. Beat that, suckas.

RSM Text Factor Gurus said...

Josh, you probably read at a 40-year-old level in 2nd grade.....

i need ideas for your mom's Christmas me ideas at

Tyler said...

I am pretty sure that I found Jedi outfit pieces that were left by Casey, those will complete the outfit! I wonder if wearing a jedi costume in college would get me too much attention... naaah!