Thursday, December 4, 2008

The One With the Baby Piano

Stupid things I do when I'm distracted. Thursday I had a turkey in the oven (turkey? on the last Thursday of November? I don't believe in coincidence). About midway through cooking time I was feeling so in control of my fate that I decided to risk taking a shower and putting on clean clothes. I came down an hour later to find the turkey sitting in a cold oven. I apparently turned the oven off when I checked it before my shower. I tried to blame it on DK, but I know it was really me. This morning I wasn't feeling very well, but we are out of bread, and domestic goddess that I am, I realized that I needed to get bread made before the missionaries came home for lunch. I threw everything (well, almost everything) into the mixer, and sat down to check my e-mail for the six minutes it takes to make the magic happen. After six minutes, I turned the dough into the bowl, covered it with a towel, and placed it into a warm oven. Ten minutes later, it came to me in a flash...I didn't put in any yeast. That whole mound of beautiful dough...straight into the trash. Start from scratch. Couldn't blame that one on DK. This is a stressful week. What else am I going to do? Forget Skippy at kindergarten? Go to church with my skirt tucked into my pantyhose? (I actually don't wear stockings anymore...this is Orange County, after all. But I totally did that once when I was pregnant...let me tell you, it was super attractive!) When I'm under a lot of stress, it finds its way into my dreams. Sometimes I even go sleep-walking. The worst was a couple of years ago when the whole family was staying at the Hotel Monaco in Salt Lake City, and in the middle of the night, I went sleepwalking. Out of the hotel room. I woke up enough to realize that I was in a hotel, in my pajamas (thank you thank you thank you), and I didn't know what hotel, why I was there, or where my room was. Fortunately, as I woke up more, I remembered some details, and was able to find my way back to my room without providing amusement for the desk clerk. Sleepwalking. It is why, in a house with teenage boys and missionaries, we sleep fully clothed. Anyway, I can tell this week is getting to me... last night in a pretty graphic dream, I gave birth... to a piano. It wasn't a large piano, as pianos go, but come on...where is that anesthesiologist when you need him?


RSM Text Factor Gurus said...

The picture is making my episiotomy scar hurt.

Josh said...

your dreams are starting to sound like my dreams. Last night I had a dream that I gave birth to a 15 Ib Indian (from India) baby. I kept searching through Josh's geneology trying to find out where the Indian came from. I was really frustrated with the baby because it was so big it couldn't even fit it my arms. It looked more like an Indian 5 year old than a new born infant.

Josh said...

but not just McD Three...

Josh said...

So was it a "baby grand"?

I crack myself up sometimes...

Tyler said...

So I am confused as to what 'DK' means everytime I see it there is an amount of blame... Tell me if I am right but my first and only real conclusion is the one the I could find...

Damn Kids.

That is it. :) It must be. If it is any less grand I don't need to hear about it because it will just be a let down.

Victoria said...

Tyler... SHOCKING! DK stands for "Darling Kevin." KH is "Kevin Honey." I think it is rather telling that you think it would mean YOU when blame is being assigned... I haven't blamed you for anything in quite awhile. Maybe since before your mission:)

Tyler said...

Well I am way relieved by the fact that I haven't been blamed for anything in a long time. Then this would be the perfect time to explain anything like me showing Liam how to make shapes using cinnamon/powdered sugar for decorating brownies and then he took it to a new level.

So, that really was just the genius of Liam. I hope that you weren't too mad.

RSM Text Factor Gurus said...

It might be the cold medicine, but i am disturbed by this picture of me on this piano.