And I realized that my one-year mark for this blog... it came and went a couple of days ago. Ah, well... I will write something profound another day. I’ve got nothing. Not this week. This week I am wavering between tears (Oh! go listen to the song I just put up on the other blog, right here. Look at the painting, and read the words. I couldn’t even get through it without getting teary-eyed, and I wrote it!) and... anyway, wavering between tears and, well, a little bit of naughtiness... I keep thinking of interesting prank ideas. Today is DK’s birthday, and he is not a fan of pranks. So I will refrain. For today. But if, tomorrow, you find your shoes glued to the floor, or your Facebook hacked with a picture of a gigantic fat guy as your profile pic, or 5,000 plastic forks stuck in your front lawn... you will know it is just me, blowing off a little steam.
P.S. As for the blog, I know it really does need a makeover... the mp3 player doesn’t currently work, and next week when I have a little time, I will make it so you can listen to music on this blog again. For now, enjoy a little navidad over at “All About the Baby.” xo
Victoria You have worked hard.
I know you will make it through this week and then I hope you get a bubble bath and a back rub and someone takes you out to dinner and pampers you.
Do your men clean?? hee hee
You are awesome!
...and it will be all worth it!
You're awesome! I love your music. Hang in there. The week will soon be over.
I did the same thing! I can't believe the year came and went so quickly. That's just life these days, I'm very careful to never wish away another day, they go tooo quickly as it is.
I think a good practical joke is so much fun, but my husband takes it much better from someone else than from me. So I usually have to talk a friend or neighbor into being the prankster :)
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