I don’t know if you know this about me, but I have never been much of a hugger. Hugging is a personal thing to me. Really, physical contact of any kind is pretty personal. I maintain my personal space most of the time. Hugging is generally reserved for people for whom I feel genuine love and affection. But over the past few years, I have had to adapt to hugging culture, and decide that I have some degree of love and affection for more people than I had previously thought. Therefore, more hugs. Although, in all fairness, I have noticed that hugs are not “one size fits all.” There are many different kinds of hugs. Where am I going with this? Well, twice in two days I have gotten hugs from perfect strangers. Because of my new CD. So, good story:

I spent the evening stuffing padded envelopes and boxes with CDs for mailing, and then sticking labels on. I loaded all the CD orders in a huge box, and at 9:00 a.m. I drove down to the little post office in the canyon. I knew that my fifty parcels were going to take awhile to process, so as a little thank you I took along one of the CDs. It took about thirty minutes to post them all, and about halfway through the postal employee was admiring the artwork on the mailing labels, which is the same as the CD cover. I told her thank you, and that I had brought her a CD.
She was so excited that she opened it up and actually kissed my picture on the inside of the label:). She insisted that she would be playing my CD and showing it to everyone who came in. She called it her “marketing program.” She took me into the back room (I have never been in the back room of a post office before), showed me a bunch of options for free packaging and loaded me up with samples. She instructed me that on my next batch of mailing, I was to call her and make an appointment for a “secret meeting” a half hour before the post office opens. We exchanged phone numbers, and then a hug. I can say with perfect certainty that it was the most warm and friendly postal experience I have ever had. And the hug thing… second time in two days. I think this is going to be an interesting week.
By the way... the photo was taken near the Trabuco Canyon post office in 1969. And it still looks just like that.
Wow! That’s awesome that you have all the hook ups now. I guess making an amazing CD will do that for you.
Love the photo. How many roads look exactly the same as 40 years ago?
Now you see why you are so special to so many. You are exuding a spiritual energy that "pokes" or "tickles" folks with a goodness they want to feel up close. I'm not a hugger either, sometimes it unavoidable (you may recall Elder Murray - how'd I know! That wasn't taught in the missionary lessons. Everyone else was hugging me). I love that post office. Was it Linda who helped you? She's marvelous.
Maybe you could use those hook-ups to get our mail situation fixed.
okay, I can’t help myself…
verification word for my last comment: comere
interpretation: what people in the hood say before lations
Yay! Does that mean the Cd's are in the mail!! I think I could just hug you also - I'm very excited to get mine :)
Found you through a friend of a friend...
I am amazed and grateful for the LDS women's presence on the bloggernacle.
Wonderful work on the CD. More important, wonderful work raising stripling warriors--Mommas' boys.
I'll add your Ethan to my prayers for our military. My nephew just returned from A-stan, PTL.
Wee Granny from Missouri
I am a hugger! I think a hug is a way of showing a lot of things: Love, gratefulness, friendship, excitement, sharing sorrow - there are so many reasons to give a hug and beautiful music would not be the least of these :D
If I were there I would hug you Victoria!
It's amazing what genuine appreciation does for the people involved. What a fabulous story!
I used to love reading this blog. I wonder what happened to the writer. so sad.....
Still keeping us hanging without a new post. sniff sniff.
I just found your blog through a friend. Awesome!
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