So I met this cute girl named Lindsay. Friend of a friend. Being the immature person that I am, I find that many of my friends are younger, and in the dating years. Lindsay told me about her conversation with a boy today. He is 20, and will be leaving on a two-year church mission in a few months, and they had the following conversation (to the best of my recollection):
Lindsay: I am happy to go out on dates with you, but I have a feeling you are more into it than I am. (translation: I think of you as a friend)
Cowboy: Well, Lindsay, this is how it is for me: I am leaving on a mission soon (where there will be no more dating of girls), and basically I am just out to get what I can. I am trying to “fill up my canteen,” so to speak.
Wait a sec...did you really just say fill up your canteen???
I am still trying to wrap my brain around his choice of analogy... not to mention the intention behind it. There are a lot of canteens in the world, Lindsay. Fortunately you are smart and good enough to know that you don’t need to provide a watering hole for every random ridiculous cowboy out there.

Lindsay is definitely at the top of the tree. When one of those boys cares enough to climb up, then he is worth looking at. All the better if he leaves his canteen on the ground so that he can climb better.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah i remember this good time. i love this though. super presh analogy about the apples!!! :)
What great advice, no wonder all these young people like to hang around you! You have beautiful analogies for so many things. I'm going to remember this one though, a great object lesson this fall with all the beautiful apples we have available.
I swear I've heard that before! Seriously as a freshman at BYU. This made me laugh so hard. I know it wasn't supposed to, but I remember those days so well and if you don't laugh you have to cry. I am so glad I'm not single any more.
That apple quote explains a lot of questions that I have had. That makes a lot of sense. Well, I guess it’s a good thing that Jif already likes to climb.
I heard that canteen analogy a ton at BYU. People would tease my husband before his mission and say “Make sure you fill up your canteen, you only have 3 weeks left!” It was kind of embarrassing.
It is a disgusting analogy! I told Lindsay she needed to look him in the eye and say, "You call that a canteen? It looks more like an eye dropper to me."
Thank you so much for your comments from my post about my son. They were great reminders and I really appreciated them. Once I handed the boxes off to the post office I felt like a weight was lifted. I am so happy that all of your family will be together for Christmas. Wow 5 years! What a great time you are going to have. I am so in awe of moms that do the missionary thing multiple times. Amazing mom!
btw: I loved the apple analogy. I am showing it to my youngest tomorrow. She is told at school all of the time that certain guys would take her out if she would fill a few canteens. She is one of the only LDS kids at her high school. She gets frustrated waiting for the right boy but I keep reassuring her that he is definitely out there. SO thanks for the back up! :)
LOVE this... thanks Victoria... definitely going to have Sarah read this. :)
Oh my gosh boys can be such dorks.
I love the apple tree analogy. I guess if they can make it to the top they have learned to be men not dorks!!
Funny stuff!
I haven't ever heard of the apple analogy before. I love it! It's amazing what the kids do in those oh so impressionable years. Just out to get some. Oy vey.
Cowboy sounds a little immature. I have a pre-mission roommate and he is not into filling the canteen (which doesn't work) nor was i before my mission. Cowboy will figure it out.
Hey Tyler's mom...I am one of Tyler's roommates, Ed...you know, the really awesome roommate...anyways, I love this analogy, its true. One thing happening in our ward is that all the girls at the top of the tree get sick of waiting for that brave boy and all decide to go on missions...so when the boy gets brave to ask BOOM! there's the mission call...Anyways, just wanted to say hi, I liked the analogy, dating is rough and well yeah, your son cooks good food. See ya.
hey you remember this?? oh i do :) thanks again for writing this...i read it when i'm feeling down :) haha.
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