What should we do to celebrate? Breakfast in bed is out. I am leaving the house at 5:00 a.m. and D.K., at 6:00. Lunch is out. Dinner? Hmm. Any good suggestions out there?
P.S. Look closely at the picture... Napoleon Dynamite was one of our groomsmen... :)
I know. Sounds like maybe I am complaining that I was lonely. No no no. Not lonely. I actually DREAM of being all alone. It happens so seldom. But DK had meetings in L.A. this last week, and I wasn’t invited to them. But I was invited to go hang out at a really nice hotel and have some of that alone time I had been craving.
This was the view out the window. Not to offend anyone, but L.A. is not one of the most beautiful cities out there. Weather, yes. But seriously, I could see four billboards for lapband surgery from my window! Not exactly scenic, but I still enjoyed the view.
DK thought this magazine was humorous. I will leave this one alone.
The bed was super comfy with tons of pillows and a down comforter.
I had my iPad and a book.
The hotel wi-fi was a total ripoff so I tried out the “Personal Wi-fi Hotspot” option on my iPhone 4. Yes, it cost extra from AT&T, but it didn’t cost more than the wi-fi the hotel was offering, and it worked like a charm to stream movies and TV onto my iPad. That is some pretty mind-bending technology, I have to say. Here is a screenshot from my iPhone running the Personal Hotspot. Pretty cool:
I was only there for 24 hours, but it was a nice little break. I came back to spend the next five days catering, taking dinner to the sick and injured, and finishing the April music video for Archangel Records. Which, by the way, I am a little bit in love with. Garry and I struggled a bit figuring out how to portray certain imagery in the song, and we hit a lot of brick walls. But we found ways around all of them, and I am really happy with the result. I hope you will all help me out by watching the video, and if you are so inclined, sharing it, too. We would love new fans on our Archangel Records Facebook page here, and we are hoping to at least double the amount of video views from the last video.
Check out the latest on Archangel at our He Said/She Said blog here. By the way, we just finished writing the song for the May video... and it is going to be SWEET. {Hint: think Mother’s Day!}
There are so many lessons one could take from this... for me, it is that sometimes I just worry about the wrong thing. No need to go borrowing trouble... it will find you.
Why? Because I was holding the baby. We went to the petting zoo in San Juan Capistrano today and I spent the whole time holding Reeses. She is beautiful with huge round cheeks, white fuzzy hair and she just waits for you to look at her so she can smile. So sweet. And, so, no photos. But a good time was had by all. There were goats, sheep, cows, llamas, donkeys, turkeys, pigs, chickens, rabbits, guinea pigs (sorry if I left anyone out) and they were all hungry for the little mini veggie platters we were feeding them. Jif and Skippy rode the train, and Jif screamed when he had to get off.
It was perfect weather and a perfect day. And while I left the petting zoo undocumented, I did finally get around to taking some photos of Jif and Reese’s parents. If you want to check them out, look at my other blog post. And please, leave a comment over there... I get lonely on the other blog! Click here:
Yesterday I spent an hour driving through the streets of Santa Ana. It was the part of Santa Ana where they don’t necessarily bother to put any of the signs in English. I saw a lot of interesting things, including at least three taco trucks that I really wanted to try (but I held out and DK took me to “The Chili Pepper” instead... good choice) and a City of Santa Ana vendor pushcart full of ice cream. Yesterday would have been the day to get some of that, since it was 90 degrees. But my favorite by far was this sign that I loved so much that we had to go back so I could take a photo with my phone. Martinez Party Planner... I feel sure that they would leave nothing unplanned. :) Take a close look.