Finding that he, alone, is repeating the same day over and over, he goes through various stages of coping, including taking advantage of the lack of consequences, repeated suicide attempts, and using his knowledge of the other characters (and that there is no tomorrow) to indulge his worldly appetites. But eventually he chooses to be good. But not just good... He develops new talents and begins to spend his days performing acts of service. He learns how to be unselfish. He makes friends of everyone in the town. It is when he realizes he can actually be happy even while repeating the same day over and over, that he is finally able to move on to tomorrow.
So much of real life is the same day over and over. We go to school or work, or care for our families. I think I just like knowing that I can have a transformation if I want it, too. Learn something new... step out of my comfort zone and make a CD. Practice and make perfect. Read something great. Be a cool friend. Change my whole heart. Every day is a new opportunity to choose how to spend my extra time... and yesterday is not so important. I love that. February is pretty much amazing. It is 10:46 a.m. and I am still in my pajamas. What is wrong with this picture?
Absolutely nothing - I wish I was still in my pajama's at 10:46 ha ha!!
I love GroundHog Day - funniest movie ever and I watched it twice last weekend!!
Thanks for you comment on my Forgiveness post. It was awesome and I have had that situation before...NO FUN! I hope you get it worked out soon :D
One of my all-time fav movies. I watched it on Groundhog Day too. One of Bill Murray's best films...it is funny and inspiring.
The old adage "stupidity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results." rings true.
Don't Drive Angry!
I think PJ's at 10:46 is totally a fashion statement!
I will stay in my bathrobe on my days off just to get my house clean. No temptation to run and do errands ..... well except that one time....
Absolutely nothing :)
Love that movie! Makes me laugh. We watch it all year long. :)
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